Svet zdravia Slovak Network Hospitals
Start of the project: 2015 - 2016
Number of buildings: 3
Investments ex. VAT (CZK): 48 600 000
Guaranteed annual savings (CZK): 9 720 000
Duration of the project (in years): 5
Svet zdravia is the operator of 17 hospitals in Slovakia. Three of them: Trebišov, Svidník and Dunajska Streda have gone through extensive reconstruction in 2015 and 2016, especially regarding boiler rooms and heat and hot water distributions.
The newly installed IRC system for individual room temperature control reduces heating costs significantly. For patients, this means that the thermal comfort doesn’t cause unnecessary overheating or under-heating in these rooms. The system has also eliminated the issue of overheating in corridors, public toilets and other rooms where no one has stayed in the long-term.
Energy services with energy savings (EPC) inseparably include energy management. All hospital buildings are connected to a dispatching center, which continuously monitors and records operational data and information regarding energy, water and gas consumption. On-going data analysis will contribute to further enhancing the efficiency of these energy-saving measures.